Thursday 4 April 2013

Personal View


Have you ever feel like its a waste of time to talk to someone? I happen to experience that all the time. The people I'm talking about always judge me without understanding me first and when I'm trying to explain it seems nothing comes through them. It's so exhausting until I eventually give up talking.

But then another problem came up. They just can't stand that I'm being too silent. First they won't listen to you, then they want to. Can't you people make up your mind. Instead I seems to be the one at fault for everything. What exactly do you want with me? ( talking to myself)

Due to this, I usually keep my views and opinion to myself and end up talking to myself. It's a bit lonely at first but I'm used to it already. Its kinda like a hobby to rationalize stuff by talking alone but from other people sight I might seem  odd. Well I'm used to it.

The fact that people keeps judging me without any effort of understanding is quite frustrating and make my self esteem or confident crumble to the ground. Wont you agree? How do you view people? I maybe the same but then again I seldom compare the people around me to myself and found how useless I am due to my negative thinking.

So that's all for now...
Lets all nurture positive thinking in ourselves especially me.. haha 

See ya later!

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